
Are you aware of

your position?

Contribute to recording and securing the IT components in your production

Each of the different positions in a company is bound to different tasks and challenges, which need to be addressed. Joint tools as offered by ondeso facilitate teamwork and make the same data base available for all users.

Nonetheless, it is still possible to separate tasks by planning, creating and performing in order to take strategic goals and security relevant aspects into account and to guarantee smooth operation over many years. This enables you to cover the entire life cycle of a facility and to have it supported by the staff responsible – from planning over start up and operation to shut down.


Maintenance & Service

Top priority is the availability of plants and production-relevant systems, including maintenance of the software and operating systems in use.


IT Security &
Risk Management

The overview of the IT environment, as well as checking the Compliance specifications are just as important as monitoring and analysis of data transport within the company.


Management &
IT Management

Regular, reliable and always up-to-date evaluations and reports are just as important as the continuous optimisation of processes.


Development & Project

Already during installation and commissioning of a plant, update processes and installations as well as secure data transport must be ensured.


ondeso OT for

Building up new facilities and continue to use what has already been tried and tested is currently posing an obstacle for industrial companies. This applies in particular to production and infrastructure facilities that have grown over the years and now have to meet new requirements.


ondeso IB for
Machine and Plant Manufacturers

Increasing IT penetration and the growing number of
software components do not only pose challenges,
but also open up opportunities for the launch of sustainable,
innovative services.