

OT Security

OT Security Tools from ondeso

Threats to industrial systems are becoming increasingly diverse, making OT security a key issue for many companies. Are you also looking for suitable software? With the OT security tools from ondeso SR, specifically developed for industrial environments, you are well-equipped to tackle this challenge.



Increase OT Security Holistically

Our software enables you to manage OT clients across the entire lifecycle. Instead of working with many individual tools in parallel, you have one software at hand with which you can maintain control over your OT clients and automate workflows in a production-orientated manner.


  • Inventory OT assets
  • Create backups to implement disaster recovery plans
  • Hardening systems and patching security vulnerabilities
  • Install and upgrade software and updates
  • Implement security concepts, e.g. authorisation management, firewall configurations and deactivation of services
  • Secure and control the shutdown of end-of-life clients
  • Creating reports and analyses

ondeso SR OT Security Tools for Efficient Client Management


  • Stay in control
    Permanent client overview and operational capability
  • Minimise risk
    Centralised implementation of security measures
  • Save time
    Reduce workload through workflow automation

Increase OT Security with ondeso SR

Find out how you can not only close security gaps with our OT security tools, but also execute disaster recovery plans and efficiently distribute OT security policies.



Close Security Gaps

Since WannaCry, awareness of vulnerability management has increased in the OT world. ondeso SR supports you in patching security gaps.


Execute a Disaster Recovery Plan

The implementation of a disaster recovery plan helps to restore normal operations as quickly as possible. ondeso SR helps you with the execution.


Distribute OT Security Policies

Are you faced with the challenge of implementing specific security measures on hundreds of industrial PCs? ondeso SR supports you in this.

Why choose ondeso SR?

  • Specifically designed for industrial infrastructures
  • In use on over 100,000 industrial PCs since 2010
  • 100 % made in Germany


Contact us and together we will find out whether our software is the right tool for you.

You can then either test ondeso SR for 30 days free of charge or start an individual proof of concept (POC) to bring structure and clarity to your OT security.


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OT Security Tools from ondeso SR

Whether it’s the implementation of complex IT security concepts or the centralised maintenance of OT clients. With our software, you can maintain an overview and take a standardised approach. Watch this video for more information.

Would you like to find out more?

I will be happy to help you.

Moritz Metka
Phone: + 49 941 462932-34


More about ondeso SR

Click here for more information about our OT administration software designed for industrial PCs.


References & Success Stories

Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? Discover the answer here.


About ondeso

Learn more about our company and our comprehensive expertise as a pioneer and market leader.