
From Sneaker IT

to automation

OT Client Automation Software

Standardise and Automate OT Workflows

The implementation of compliance requirements or IT security policies in OT environments is becoming increasingly important. Do you no longer want to perform important but labour-intensive client management tasks in your industrial IT environment manually? Our OT client automation software supports you with deployment automation in your production.

With ondeso SR, you have the option of independently defining workflows, so-called ‘operations’. These operations help you to automate administrative tasks on your OT clients and optimise them to your individual production processes.


Maximum Client Automation in One OT Software

  • Inventory OT assets
  • Create backups to implement disaster recovery plans
  • Hardening systems and patching security vulnerabilities
  • Install and upgrade software and updates
  • Implement security concepts, e.g. authorisation management, firewall configurations and deactivation of services
  • Secure and control the shutdown of end-of-life clients
  • Creating reports and analyses

All tasks are logged in detail to increase traceability and analyse possible errors.


Learn more here: Industrial IT Workflow Automation


OT Client Automation with ondeso SR

  • Define operations without programming knowledge
  • No Active Directory or domain connection necessary
  • Integration and extension of existing scripts possible
  • Execute tasks across reboots and system boundaries
  • Integration of write protection filters in operations (activation/deactivation)
  • Created operations can be exported and reused at other locations

Focus on Production Processes: Flexible Execution Options

You have the option of controlling the defined workflows for each group or even each device individually. Execution in defined maintenance windows, via regular schedulers or manual execution at the touch of a button ensure that you are always able to act without affecting ongoing operations. Configuration adjustments, software installations and backups can even be carried out in offline mode.

Success Story: Simple and Automated OT Client Setup

A food manufacturer wanted to counteract the high manual effort involved in setting up OT clients. They opted for our client management software ondeso SR.


Why choose ondeso SR?

  • Specifically designed for industrial infrastructures
  • In use on over 100,000 industrial PCs since 2010
  • 100 % made in Germany


Contact us and together we will find out whether our software is the right tool for you.

You can then either test ondeso SR for 30 days free of charge or start an individual proof of concept (POC) to familiarise yourself with the client automation software and drive forward the provisioning automation of your industrial PCs.



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Manage Shopfloor IT with ondeso SR

Whether it’s the implementation of complex IT security concepts or the centralised maintenance of OT clients. With our software, you can maintain an overview and take a standardised approach. Watch this video for more information.

Would you like to find out more?

I will be happy to help you.

Moritz Metka
Phone: + 49 941 462932-34


More about ondeso SR

Click here for more information about our OT administration software designed for industrial PCs.


References & Success Stories

Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? Discover the answer here.


About ondeso

Learn more about our company and our comprehensive expertise as a pioneer and market leader.