October 13, 2022 / BG / Reading time: 4 min

The „WE“ is ondeso: Christoph Ackermann

Christoph Ackermann has been a consultant at ondeso since 2014. Since January 2019, he has headed the Professional Services department and supports our customers in the rollout and deployment of the ondeso software . Our consultants are the globetrotters of the company – that’s why Christoph has also been able to score points with our customers time and again with his know-how and charisma on his business trips, which have taken him among others to the USA, South Africa, Turkey, Romania, and the neighboring Austria.


Let’s start with a quick Q&A session:


What’s your favorite TV show?
„Friends” for more than 20 years. I’ve watched it up and down and can partly speak along from memory.

Team dog or team cat?
Dog. What I appreciate about our family dog is his irrepressible joy when you come home after work and his goofy nature. Otherwise, the following saying is generally true: (Franz von Assisi)

What language would you like to be able to speak?

What do you like about working at ondeso?
The freedom given to employees to organize and develop themselves. The team spirit is very important and you will always find a helpful colleague if you are faced with a challenge.

What songs have you recently added to your favorite playlist?
Dream On – Steven Tylor feat. Slash
Rocket Man – Elton John
Give It to me – Michael Jackson


Now it’s going to be serious:


What exactly is your job at ondeso and what does a typical working day look like for you?

As Head of Professional Services, my responsibilities include project management and personnel planning, but also the implementation of projects. In fact, as consultants we don’t really have a “typical” working day. We very often have to be flexible and spontaneous. This is because we have to work in a very customer-oriented way. If, for example, a customer has a problem, we respond to it as quickly as possible and try to support the customer as best we can. Our tasks in the team include rollouts of our software products at the customer’s site, configuration of our software products, carrying out training courses and other customer-specific tasks, such as creating software packages. Support is also part of our scope of work.

As department head, I am usually also responsible for planning and coordinating these tasks. This includes planning in terms of time and personnel and setting milestones. But I also always keep an eye on the implementation or execution. Sometimes I get the pleasure of being able to lend a hand and carry out projects myself. Due to the different challenges, there is always variety and you rarely have repetitive tasks.


How would your colleagues describe you?

I would like to quote a dear colleague from the accounting department: “Indescribable” 🙂


What did you want to become as a child and what brought you to ondeso?

To become an indian was high on the agenda. Later, I wanted to be Batman. Mainly because I thought I could then marry Catwoman. When reality struck at some point and I had to realize that I would neither be an Indian nor was the time right to put on the bat-suit. After graduating from school, I decided to study business informatics with a focus on IT finance and IT security.

After graduating from university, I read in the newspaper about an event organized by a company called ondeso, which was about IT security in production. I decided to send an unsolicited application and fortunately it was such a good fit that I have remained with ondeso to this day.


Thank you for your time, Christoph!


If you want to learn more about Christoph Ackermann and his work at ondeso, follow him on Xing:


The “WE” is ondeso!

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